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ZTE announced the official release of its end-to-end virtual reality live solution at Mobile World Congress. The platform offers support for VR content capture, elastic networks, a premium video platform, VR software development kits and set-top boxes, according Telecompaper. At MWC, ZTE demonstrated its low-latency 2K P30 VR broadcast service based on...
The global smartphone market slowed significantly in the first quarter, with shipments little changed at 334.9 million units versus 334.3 million a year ago, according to estimates from IDC. The market researcher said this was the smallest year-over-year growth on record, according Telecompaper. It attributed the slowdown to saturation in developed markets...
Ceasurile inteligente, ochelarii pentru realitate virtuală și camerele foto capabile să filmeze 360˚ vor fi printre cele mai căutate gadget-uri în perioada Paștelui, estimează specialiștii EuroGsm. Astfel, pentru această perioadă, compania estimează creșteri ale vânzărilor cu 30% mai mari decât în perioada Paștelui de anul trecut. În anul 2015, interesul...
Media Galaxy sărbătorește 12 ani de prezență și de cea mai variată gamă de produse pe piața electro-IT din România. Cu această ocazie, Media Galaxy a pregătit reduceri speciale pentru clienți la mii de articole, în perioada 17 - 31 martie, precizează oficialii firmei. Promoția se desfășoară atât în rețeaua de magazine Media Galaxy, cât și pe mediagalaxy.ro...
ZTE Corporation, a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet, is showcasing its 5G internet of things (IoT) test bed based on multi-user shared access (MUSA) technology and filter blank-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (FB-OFDM) technology at Mobile World Congress in...
ZTE Corporation, a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet and its partner, China Mobile, today officially announced their latest 5G high-frequency prototype and demonstrated 10 Gbps+ high bitrate, beam-tracking, and other key 5G technologies. High-frequency communication is a...
ZTE Corporation, a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet and China Mobile, today present their 5G-oriented future network architecture design concept, and network slice prototype system. With the latest generation of Intel® Xeon® processor, the demonstration actively...
Intel Corporation a anunțat disponibilitatea celei de-a șasea generații a gamei de procesoare Intel Core vPro pentru biroul modern. Noile procesoare se adresează cererilor pentru securitate și productivitate pentru companiile mari, aducând inovații în materie de autentificare securizată, performanță crescută pentru dispozitive 2 în 1, Ultrabook-uri,...
Vringo announced that a Romanian appellate court denied ZTE Romania's twelfth attempt to overturn or suspend Vringo's preliminary injunction against ZTE Romania, according Telecompaper. On 6 August, ZTE Romania filed a motion seeking for the Bucharest Tribunal, 5th Civil Section to set aside Vringo's preliminary injunction in light of the 16 July European...
The number of smartphone shipments reached 338 million in Q2 2015, representing a y-o-y growth of 16%, according to Juniper Research. The launch of the P8 helped Huawei to nearly 50% y-o-y growth, while Xiaomi, its nearest rival, shipped 20.5 million, representing an increase of a third compared to this time last year. Juniper notes that the key difference...