

The 2013 European Cloud Computing Conference will take place on 7th March 2013 in the Renaissance Hotel in Brussels. The event, hosted by Forum Europe, will provide a platform to hear from the key policymakers and stakeholders involved in this field.

Following the release of the European Cloud Computing Strategy by Vice-President Kroes in September 2012, the 2013 European Cloud Computing Conference 2013 will discuss further the opportunities offered by Cloud Computing and examine the necessary steps to be undertaken so that Europe can fully take advantage of the benefits provided by the technology while continuing to protect European businesses and citizens interest.

Sessions at the conference include:

- Maximising the economic and environmental benefits of Cloud Computing in Europe


- A cloud-friendly legal and commercial framework for Europe


- Cloud Computing rules in Europe for a Global Cloud Computing Market


- Copyrights in the Cloud: managing the licensing of digital content and law enforcement of online piracy


- European Cloud Partnership: for a cloud active public sector



Mario Campolargo

Director, Net Futures, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Ambassador Kojiro Shiojiri

Ambassador of Japan to the European Union, Mission of Japan to the EU

Ken Ducatel

Head of Unit, Software and Services, Cloud Computing, DG Connect, European Commission

Robert Holleyman

President and CEO, BSA | The Software Alliance

Verena Weber

Economist and Policy Analyst, Information, Communications and Consumer Policy Division, OECD

Andrea Renda

Senior Research Fellow, Head of Regulatory Affairs Programme, CEPS