
Col. Charles Wells, project manager of the Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A), told Defense Systems magazine today that DCGS-A Version 3 represents the Defense Department’s first tactical cloud computing node. Called the Griffin software build, this capability is in response to a joint urgent operational need from Army Maj. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Griffin provides multidiscipline intelligence to Afghanistan forces in order to provide:

A capability to use historical data to predict logistics routes that are most likely to experience an IED attack;

UAV full-motion video exploitation tool; and

A direct tie into a cloud-computing node.

The DCGS program establishes the core framework for a worldwide distributed, network centric, system-of-systems architecture that conducts collaborative intelligence operations and production. The DCGS Integration Backbone provides a distribution of Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) data, processes, and systems.