
Dubai, 14 - 18 October 2012


Call for Nominations now open for ITU Telecom World 2012, Dubai, UAE,14-18 October.

Do you have something to say on how we should be building a better world?

If you are a senior-level representative from government or regulator, senior industry figure, innovator, thought leader or entrepreneur who has views to share with our influential audience of industry leaders from around the world (online and live), then ITU Telecom would like to hear from you.

We are currently seeking nominations for speakers for ITU Telecom World 2012, the leading high-level networking and knowledge sharing event for the global ICT community.

Debates at the event will span a host of areas, from the impact of social networking or convergence and transformation of the ICT value chain to M2M, Cloud Computing & Smart Grid communication, the optimization of spectrum resources, conformity & interoperability, the human right of access to communication, networks, technology & democracy and many more.

Following on from the very well-received conference format of our 2011 event, debates will be fully interactive and webcast around the world.

Benefits of Speaking at ITU Telecom World 2012

Speaking at World 2012 provides a unique opportunity to share your views, form essential connections, impact policy making, shape visions and business decisions, and help address critical societal challenges. ITU Telecom events are renowned for convening the right mix of participants for a decisive debate on a globally significant agenda.

Shape the discussion agenda

In addition, we are seeking partners looking to invest their expertise and mutually develop specific topic streams, and would welcome your suggestions for subject areas/topics you would like to explore as a partnered conference track. Helping us shape the agenda through a partnered conference track provides the ideal opportunity to match your expertise with ITU’s neutral and open global debate platform.