
SMi's Mobile Deployable Communications event will once again lead the way in providing the latest overview of in-theatre tactical communications, national roadmaps, technology, NATO and ISAF interoperability and industry support. Providing secure and interoperable mobile deployable communications is imperative in achieving greater situational awareness and superior operational capabilities. Attend this event to share experiences, network with the people that matter and maximise your capabilities.



Evolution of NATO CIS in ISAF

The Challenges of Communications Interoperability and Standardisation Across NATO

Integrated and Deployable Communications for Rapid Response - A USEUCOM Perspective

NATO Deployable CIS from the JAPCC Perspective

Deployable Communications – The Maritime Challenge

Connecting Soldiers to Digital Applications (CSDA) in the US Army

Attend Mobile Deployable Communications 2011 and:


Learn about NATO's steps towards interoperable mobile deployable communications

Analyse the latest operational experiences from both NATO and national perspectives

Discuss the communications experiences and needs from the perspective of emergency services, charities and first responders

Assess the current technology being deployed and what solutions industry are providing for the end user

Address the security challenges facing military communications experts in the field

Network with key decision makers from the military and industry and assess the latest technology on offer in our exhibition area