
The US market has a unique MVNO history: now the second wave of mobile data MVNOs compliments the exponential growth in device connectivity, content in the cloud and connected enterprise. As part of the MVNO Industry Summit global series, the MVNO Industry Summit USA selects 30 industry leaders – both international and domestic – to showcase best practice in MVNO, MVNE, and Wholesale across 2 days of presentations, panel discussions, analyst corners and 1:1 interview. From no frills and retail MVNOs up to increasingly important M2M, 4G Wholesale and mobile data MVNO models.

Topics covered include ethnic, cable, retail, and device MVNOs, to how roaming, WIFI data offload and personalized pricing will maximize revenue and QOS for new telecoms models. This is an exciting industry moment for MVNOs and 4G Wholesale business models in the USA and by co-locating with 900 attendees at this years’ LTE North America event, we look forward to delivering you straight to the heart of the excitement and welcoming you in November.


Hear from Over 30 Industry Leaders, including 14 CEO/VP Benchmark Case Studies:

Patrick Parodi, Vice President, Ecosystem Development, Lightsquared USA

Heidi Wilson, Senior Market Manager, mHealth, TELUS Health Solutions, Canada

Jean-Louis Carrara, VP Business Development, Telecommunications, North America, gemalto, USA

Milind Kangle, CEO, Lycamobile, UK

Peter Hoffmann, Vice President, International Mobile Wholesale, Deutsche Telekom, Germany

Stan Simpliciano, Director, Wholesale, T-Mobile, USA

Alex Besen, Founder and CEO, Besen Group, USA

Daniel Neal, CEO, Kajeet, USA

Daniela Maria Siaulys, Sustentabilidade, MVNO, Copa e Olimpíadas, Brazil

Bryan Stanley, Director of Strategic Initiatives, PC Management, USA

Whitey Bluestein, Corporate Development and Strategic Advisor at Bluestein & Associates, LLC

Todd Bricker, Partner, CSMG

Josh Berman, VP, PrepaYd Wireless, USA

Alex Brisbourne, President/COO, KORE Telematics, Canada

Dennis Henderson, President, Ready Mobile, USA

David Traynor, CEO, Aspider Solutions, USA

Thomas Gregor, VP, Product Development and Sales Support, RACO Wireless, USA

Ruddy Mc Glashan, VP and CTO, Stargate Mobile, USA

Sprint, USA

Namit Garg, Senior Business Line Manager, Carrier Solutions, Redknee, Canada

Mike Roberts, Principal Analyst and Head of Americas, Informa Telecoms and Media, USA